




艾丽西亚·琼斯,D.O. '87

Leaders 和 Members Elected to Board of Trustees 和 Alumnae Associat离子 Board


格温内斯慈悲学院高中很荣幸地宣布 梅尔瓦·埃克斯纳,1977年毕业,2011年毕业 被选为最新的 校董会主席. Melva开设了自己的律师事务所Melva M. Exner, 有限责任公司, following a long career in various in-house legal roles. 1998年至2001年,她在GMAHS顾问委员会任职, 自1985年起担任校友会董事, 和 has been the President 和 Vice President of the Alumnae Board. Melva received the Margaret Beirn Barger ’35 Distinguished Alumna Award in 2017 for her service to the school. 她于2022年成为董事会成员.


今年,两名校友加入了Melva的董事会. 贝瑟妮·马西奥·康诺利03年 has been on the Alumnae Board since 2006 和 served as President from 2018-2020. She is also a Mercy Associate 和 Director of Enrollment Management at Gwynedd-Mercy Academy Elementary. 艾丽西亚·琼斯,D.O. '87 has been on the Alumnae Board since 2021 和 also sits on the Leadership Advisory Board. Dr. 琼斯拥有一家咨询公司, 维达斯咨询, 有限责任公司, which focuses on access to health care through the utilizat离子 of innovative technology for all people, 不管他们的经济状况如何.

Andrea Geppert ' 05



的 GMAHS Alumnae Associat离子 Board also elected its new President, Andrea Geppert '05. Andrea served as President from 2015-2017 和 has been an active member of the Scholarship Committee, 为女校友筹集资金 协会的 通过Quizzo活动和筹款活动获得的遗产奖学金.


校友会增加了两名新成员,欢迎 特里·马佐塔·海因斯88年,19年,22年凯蒂·雷德蒙德·奥伯利07年. Terri is a Mercy Associate 和 works as a second grade teacher at Gwynedd-Mercy Academy Elementary. Katie is a a Member of the 1861 Society 和 works as a Senior Buyer at Burlington Stores.


Congratulat离子s to the alumnae elected to these important roles! 感谢我们的前任董事会主席 凯西·柯克·贝尔沃81届 前校友会主席 Anna Skoien Lall '02 for their years of hard work 和 dedicat离子 to our alma mater.




Gather with members of the GMA community for cocktails 和 appetizers for our annual beach-side event at the Icona Avalon. 客人必须年满21岁.





加入GMA社区参加第15届年度CK5K. All proceeds will benefit the Carolyn Keen ’10 Memorial Scholarship.





Sign up to play in the 32nd Annual Golf Classic at North Hills Country Club at 11AM. 的 Inaugural Tennis Classic will be held at Cedarbrook Country Club at 9AM.





Alumnae who graduated from the Academy 50 or more years ago are invited to this special luncheon, now welcoming the 1973届毕业生 in honor of their 50-Year Reun离子.





回到校园,反思你的慈悲根源, to honor remarkable Mercy women who are making a difference in the world, 和 to catch up with old friends over cocktails 和 heavy hors d’oeuvres.





Gather with the Gwynedd community for a fun, relaxing evening down the shore on 星期五,8月4日
6:30-8:30PM. 的 cocktail recept离子 will be held on the ver和a next to the pool. Tickets are $50 each, which includes appetizers 和 one drink coupon. 请在7月21日前报名.





格温内斯仁慈学院高中 格温内斯慈善学院小学 你在找什么 兼职人力资源专员 to fulfill various human resources responsibilities at both schools. GMAHS正在寻找一个 全职教师 加入 科学系生物与物理在2023-2024学年开始. 的 体育部门 也在招聘 助理田径教练 (有跨栏、撑杆跳经验者优先).

我们仍然需要 14个导师!


格温内德部队师友计划 正在寻找校友导师! 这个项目, sponsored by the Alumnae Associat离子 in partnership with Gwynedd's Leadership Department, will pair students with alumnae mentors to connect with them throughout the school year.


校友导师被要求与他们的学生导师见面, 虚拟或亲自, 在2023- 2024学年共四次. 无论你处于职业生涯的哪个阶段, all Gwynedd Mercy alumnae have valuable advice 和 experience to share with our current students as they embark on the college applicat离子 process 和 their future careers.


问题? 电子邮件参与协调员 凯特琳·菲茨杰拉德·斯特劳01级 at cstraub@tiemles.com.



加入私人脸谱网群组, 仁慈的保姆圈!). Gwynedd alumnae 和 students are welcome to become members of this exclusive group to find 和 offer childcare. 


Calling on Classes Ending in "7" to Make Gifts to Strawberry Market


In an effort to keep the shelves of Strawberry market consistently stocked, the Alumnae Associat离子 asks for donat离子s from the members of the class years ending in the number that matches the current month. That means during July, we are looking for donat离子s from the 以7结尾的课程. Please consider supporting this special alumnae-sponsored initiative in one or more of the following ways:




你有孩子吗? 庆祝个人或职业上的里程碑? 获得学位或奖励? 结婚? 请填写下面链接的表格通知我们!


And if you are preparing to get married or have a baby—let us know! We'd love to send you a GMA flag for your recept离子 or a GMA bib for your little one. 记得拍照,贴标签 @gmahighschool 在Instagram上发布,并与课堂笔记表格一起提交.



Susan Dinneen,先生. '97, cStrauss Massey Dinneen 有限责任公司的创始人, was recently recognized for her work defending insurance companies against fraud, 合同外和恶意索赔, 灾难索赔, 以及承保范围的争议. 今年,她被评为 2023超级律师, a 2023 Biz新奥尔良女人值得关注,和 2023年新奥尔良杂志影响力女性. 去年,她被选为 新奥尔良城市商业2022年法律领导力课程. 祝贺你,苏珊!



1973届毕业生 kicked off their 50th Reun离子 celeb比ns in Avalon, NJ at the home of 莱斯利·拉根·图兰73年!


前排(从左至右): 玛丽亚·瓦克曼·杜金,73年, P阿蒂·布斯特·莫里斯73年, 波比·斯托克斯73年 

后排(从左至右): 雪莉·拉夫·肖,73年, 洛里·斯托克斯·鲍尔斯,73年, 罗斯玛丽·盖茨·费列罗73年毕业, 莱斯利·拉根·图兰73年, JaneAnn Galbally Sheehan, 73年, 凯特·弗兰纳里,73年



凯蒂·卡塔利诺,19岁格蕾丝·卡萨迪,19岁 他们都是今年六月从德雷塞尔大学毕业的. Grace completed her degree in Televis离子 和 Film Product离子 和 Catie completed her degree in Business Administ比n, 管理资讯系统, 科技创新管理. 祝贺你,毕业生!



Maura Ryan Pearsall '06 被邀请参加 2023年铁人世界锦标赛该活动将于8月26日在芬兰拉赫蒂举行!


在GMA有过辉煌的运动生涯, Maura went on to become a two-sport athlete at Penn State (soccer 和 track & 字段). 自从两年前成为母亲以来, she felt that something was missing—the thrill that comes with competing.


所以她报名参加了70号.PSU的铁人. After training for just three months 和 with little to no triathlon experience, she crushed her goal time of six hours 和 finished in an impressive 5:41. She was first in her age group in the running port离子 和 fourth female overall out of 580 competitors!


Maura's family is currently raising money for her trip to the World Champ离子ships in Finl和. 




两名GMA工作人员最近参加了 加德纳·卡尼领导力研究所(gcLi)领导力实验室 在科罗拉多州的科罗拉多斯普林斯! 领导活动总监 Jennifer cerone Guarnaccia, 93年 (第一个图, 左), 谁在2021年完成了她的培训, 作为学者和培训师参加该研究所. 多元化、公平、包容和正义部主任 安妮塔·罗伯森 (second photo, 左) competed the lab's training to become certified in teaching leadership. We are excited for these except离子al educators to bring their knowledge 和 expertise to benefit our students, 教师, 和 工作人员. Together, GMA is dedicated to perfecting the art of teaching leadership.



即将到来的6-9年级学生加入GMA教练组 夏季足球课 6月. 他们有机会在帝王队的地盘上打球, 练习和提高他们的技能, 结交新朋友.



格温内斯女孩的一群人,和Mrs. 米切尔和夫人. 赖德,旅行到 St. 在美属维尔京群岛的克罗伊岛. 服务之旅,与 天主教心脏工作营, allowed students to take part in a week of service 和 faith format离子. 他们和当地人一起工作,支持当地人, 认识了来自美国其他学校的学生, 去海滩做弥撒, 探索了加勒比海.



篮球夏令营 格温内斯的婚礼已经结束了! Our gym 和 the red 和 gold corridors were bustling with girls in grades 5-9 while they worked with our coaches 和 student-athletes to grow their skills 和 practice team building, 同时结交新朋友. 


请发送任何个人或专业的更新, 关于如何加入GMA的问题, 或向校友活动主任查询 艾琳·雷梅尔·克莱门茨,12岁 at ereimel@tiemles.com.

© 2023 格温内斯仁慈学院高中

